These types of gifts are accepted by the Ashland Community Foundation:
An Undesignated Gift:
The Foundation is able to distribute these funds to charities that meet the ever changing needs of the community.
This is an unrestricted fund.
There is no minimum required
A Field of Interest Gift:
These funds are used to address needs in an important area of community life such as the arts, aging, at risk youth, etc.
This is a permanent restricted fund.
A minimum of $5,000 is required.
A Designated Gift:
These funds are directed to specific agencies or purposes such as scholarships, nonprofit agency funds, etc.
This is a permanent restricted fund.
A minimum of $5,000 is required.
A Donor Advised Gift:
These funds involve donors in the use of their gift.
This is a permanent restricted fund.
A minimum of $5,000 is required.
Grow Ashland Together
Choose a Fund Name:
Most funds are named for the donor, the donor’s family, or as a memorial. Every grant from the fund will carry this name. Donors who prefer anonymity may choose a name that reflects the donor’s charitable interest.
Donor Giving Levels:
Less than $1,000 Builder
$1,000 or more Leader
$5,000 or more Benefactor
$10,000 or more Founder
$20,000 or more Legacy Circle
Please contact the Ashland Community Foundation to make a contribution to the Grow Ashland Together Fund.
Ways of Giving
Cash Gifts – You can give a gift of any size. A cash gift is simple and convenient.
Paypal- We accept All forms of payment.
Appreciated Property- Gifts of appreciated securities and real property may provide donors with income and estate tax advantages.
Livestock and Grain-
Bequests – The Ashland Community Foundation can be named as a residual beneficiary of wills, trusts and annuities. When the beneficiary’s life interest ends, the assets will be distributed to the charity as directed by the will or trust.
Charitable Trusts – Trusts allow donors to design an estate plan that provides for their lifetime income needs, as well as beneficiary and charitable gifts.
Life Insurance – Donors may make the Ashland Community Foundation the beneficiary of an existing or new life insurance policy.
Foundations – Private foundations may direct gifts or transfer assets to establish a fund that retains their name and purpose.
Donations may be sent to:
Ashland Community Foundation
P.O. Box 276
Ashland, KS 67831
or call (620) 635-2531 for more information.