Clark County EMS -- January 2021
ACF awarded a $16,500 grant, along with an anonymous pass through donation of $30,000, to the Clark County EMS to help fund the replacement of 5 AEDs that are outdated & unserviceable. Other funds from the Clark County Sheriff & the CARES Act completed the $163,000 project. EDIT- The Southwest Community Foundation also helped to fund this project.

VFW, USD220, Ashland Golf Course, & Ashland Senior Center -- January 2020
The Ashland Community Foundation received a donation of $95,000 that benefited many community organizations including the VFW, the Grade School library, the golf course, the Senior Center, USD 220 and also money for the ACF Grow Ashland Together Fund that will be used to help fund many more grants in the community this year. THANK YOU to the donor that helped our little town in a BIG WAY! Pictured receiving the grants are Losson Pike- Golf Course, Jamie Wettig- USD 220, John Stegman- Senior Center, and Jay Canton- VFW.
Ashland Rec Commission -- January 2020
The Ashland Rec Commission received a $4,950 grant to help add shade and landscaping to the ball diamonds. Pictured are Brandon Grigsby, Rec board and Jan Endicott, ACF board.

Rainbow Connection -- November 2019
ACF awarded a $3,500 grant to Rainbow Connection Preschool. Rainbow Connection has been been a part of our community for more than 30 years
WEPAC -- September 2019
The ACF awarded a $7,000 grant to WEPAC to help with this years Hoops for Hope. Money raised from the event will help pay for life saving screenings in Clark and Comanche counties. The game will take place on Saturday, October 5th in Coldwater this year

Ashland Community Foundation pays it forward to Nebraska's Flood Relief Efforts
The Ashland Community Foundation is “passing the hat” among our local community members to help with the disaster relief efforts after major flooding has devastated Nebraska farming and ranching communities. The Foundation will be collecting donations of which the Foundation will match up to $5,000 to benefit the Nebraska Farm Bureau Foundation Disaster Relief Fund.
The purpose of the Nebraska Farm Bureau Disaster Relief Fund is to support farmers, ranchers, and rural communities who are suffering from the recent storms and flooding. Their purpose is to help as many people as they can as quickly as possible.
At this early stage, both the amount donated and the number and total dollar amount of requests for aid are changing rapidly. Thanks to the support of Nebraska Farm Bureau Federation, the foundation can return 100 percent of funds raised to the farmers, ranchers, and rural communities in need. No administrative fees will be charged on Disaster Relief donations.
To date, the Disaster Relief Fund has provided hay, feed, trucked water, medicine, milk replacer, and colostrum for livestock; drinking water for schools without running water; fencing supplies; and distributions to individuals on farms, ranches, and in small rural communities who are beginning the long process of clean up and rebuilding.
The ACF has received an anonymous donation to help move local hay and supplies to Nebraska. This helped with fuel expenses as the local Ashes to Ashes group convoyed local hay to Nebraska. Through that donation fuel has been purchased to help make the trips possible. Another convoy will be heading north soon.
You can mail your tax deductible donation to The Ashland Community Foundation, PO Box 276, Ashland, KS 67831. Please include a memo noting “Flood Relief”.
City Pool Renovations
April 2019
The Ashland Community Foundation recently granted $4,767.28 to the City of Ashland to help with city pool renovations this spring. While the total project is around $60,000, having the Foundation in place helped to bridge the gap to complete the funding for the project.
Please consider making tax-deductible donations to the Grow Ashland Together fund to help continue to make improvements to our community. Since the Foundation’s inception in 1996, $300,000 has been invested back into the community. You can mail contributions to The Ashland Community Foundation, PO Box 276, Ashland, KS 67831.

Ashland Little House
March 27 2019
The Friends of the Ashland Little House was awarded a grant for $1500 to help with the cost of a gas fireplace insert. This will enable the house to be used year-round for community meetings and activities. The Little House was built in as a WPA project and served as a meeting place for girl scouts. While it still houses the girl scout troop it can also be used by community members for meetings, family reunions and other gatherings.
Rainbow Connecion
March 27th 2019
A grant awarded to Rainbow Connection Preschool for $3500 to help offset operating expenses. The preschool offers early childhood education in a loving, Christian environment. It is privately funded. The preschool offers two morning per week classes for two age groups. Miss DeAnn Rempel has directed the program for 26 years. She is currently assisted by former student, Grace Golden. — at Rainbow Connection.

Ashland High School
October 29th 2018
Today, Mr. Bill Shaw presented a $10,000.00 check on behalf of the ACF in support of the continued capital campaign efforts to improve our schools infrastructure

Each year the Ashland Community Foundation administers 2 memorial scholarships for Ashland High School graduating seniors. Those scholarships are the Jared Kaltenbach Memorial Scholarship and the Kenneth York Memorial Scholarship.
The Ashland Community Foundation Board would like to commend each of these families for establishing these scholarships to help our Ashland Graduates further their career development. Each year, The Kaltenbach family organize an annual roping event to raise funds to build and maintain the Jared Kaltenbach memorial scholarship fund. The Kenneth York Family funds the Kenneth York memorial scholarship.
Two other entities have used the Community Foundation as executors of their scholarships.
The Justin Schweitzer Memorial scholarship was established in 2001 and was in existence until 2005 and the Schweitzer Family worked very hard maintaining the memorial fund.
In 2017 the Ashland High School ‘Class of 1966’ Raised funds to help kindergarten and grade school teachers as well as establishing a 'Class of 1966 scholarship fund'. The Ashland community Foundation would like to thank the Class of 1966 for their commitment to hep our Ashland School District.
Since the Formation of these 4 scholarships, The Ashland Community Foundation has distributed $17,650 in scholarships to 28 different Graduation seniors. That Makes A Difference!!
If anyone would like to help fund one of these scholarships, you may send your Tax-deductible contributions to:
PO BOX 276
If you are interested in establishing a new scholarship fund through the Ashland Community foundation, You may contact any Ashland Community Foundation Board member or contact us through our website.

Ashland High School Library
October 2016:
The Ashland Community Foundation awarded Shelly Province, of Ashland Schools, a check in the amount of $2250.00. This grant will be used for the purchase of 6 tables, 2 loveseat sofas, 2 lounge chairs, and 2 end tables.
This grant will help to furnish the newly remodeled Library and Ashland High School. The library is used by many "guests" including Students, Facility In-services, Board of Education, and many other community based organizations. The community Foundation is proud to help so many different people through one grant.
Ashland Community Library
The Ashland Community Foundation is pleased to announce the awarding of a grant to the Ashland Community Library. This grant will be used by the Library for needed improvements to the structure and interior finishes.
The $3,000.00 grant from the ACF will be added to a grant received from the Doyle Foundation to complete repairs to the roof of the aging facility. The library will also be have much needed work done on the automatic doors at the entrance. The interior of the library will have tile work throughout the building.
The ACF is pleased to be able to support these improvements and supports the great things that the Library offers to our community. We hope that you will all make sure and stop by the Library and check out the improvements that will be done. This opportunity is a great offering for our community and needs to be supported by us all. Cara “would like to see you all” coming in to see what this facility has to offer Ashland.
Thanks to the Library board for maintaining this wonderful option for the residents of Clark County and the Ashland families. Thanks from the Ashland Community Foundation
Clark County 4-H Council
November 2014:
The Ashland Community Foundation is pleased to announce the awarding of a grant to the Clark County 4-H Council. The grant will be used to fund a “Family Fun Night” at the Fairgrounds on November 1st 2014.
The fun night will be is for promoting the 4-H and the opportunities that can be brought to our youth through this program. The night will include a supper, campfire with smores, and a hayrack ride. There will also be crafts, cooking, and a science project.
The ACF purpose is to support the betterment of our community and the activities within our community. We think that the continued growth of the 4-h program to afford our children the opportunity to be exposed to new ideas and projects is key to their growth into contributing adults.
Please support the 4-H in their future projects in the community

Harold Krier Airport
The Ashland Community Foundation has awarded the City of Ashland with a grant in the amount of $2,750.00, to be used for improvements to the lounge area at the Harold Krier Airport. The improvements were completed by the staff of the City of Ashland, being led by Doug Graff. The improvements included replacing 5 windows and installing a new tile floor.
The airport is used throughout the year to support an aerobatic flight school, the Southwest Countryfest, and local traffic as needed. The City of Ashland has done much to support our local airport and we give them a special “THANK YOU” for keeping the Harold Krier Field alive.
Industrial Technology Department
Spring 2014:
The Ashland Community Foundation is pleased to announce the awarding of a grant to USD 220 for the Industrial Technology Department. This grant will provide the school the opportunity to purchase a Smart Tech SMART Board 6065 . This stand alone 65” touchscreen monitor be a visual aid during lectures, presentations, videos, and daily activities in the classroom. All current and future devices will be able to interact with the monitor and provide a modern pathway for teaching and presenting. The grant was submitted with the assistance of Michael Schatz, the Industrial Technology teacher. The Ashland Community Foundation is very excited to support the advancement of the Technology department with their teaching tools.
PS: ((Pictured description )) Marie Smyth, of the Ashland Community Foundation, is shown awarding the check to Michael Schatz, teacher at USD 220.

AES Preschool
2014-2015 School Year:
The Ashland Community Foundation awarded a grant of $1,699.00 to Jeanette Jellison, Ashland Elementary preschool teacher. The funds will be used to help purchase a new Promethean white board for her classroom.
Mrs. Jellison is a first year teacher. She completed her student teaching last year in Mrs. Heidi Hazen’s fourth grade room. While there, she used Mrs. Hazen’s Promethean a great deal, and saw how beneficial and useful they are in the classroom. This experience inspired her to seek funding for one in her room. Thanks to the Community Foundation’s commitment to helping local organizations, she will now be able to use the technology in her own classroom.
According to Jason Endicott, Ashland Elementary Principal, “With the purchase of this Promethean, each classroom from pre-kindergarten through sixth now has the latest white board technology. It’s amazing what these boards can do and how they can impact students in the classroom.”
Amanda Luckie (right) from the Ashland Community Foundation awards Ashland Preschool teacher Jeanette Jellison a grant check towards the purchase of a Promethean whiteboard.
Thank you, Jason, for your guidance at the Grade School.

Hospice Room
The Ashland Community Foundation (ACF) is pleased to financially support the addition of a Hospice Room to the Ashland Health Center (AHC).
The Hospice Room idea was presented to the ACF in a grant requested by Roger Barnhart of AHC. The hospice room's intent is to create a home-like environment within the hospital, to provide a special comfort and aid to those in a difficult time of life.
This idea was resoundingly supported by the ACF and a check was prepared to help finance the construction of the room. The picture is after the presentation of the check to the Ashland Health Center.
The picture is of two people who have dedicated their lives to Ashland and the surrounding community, by serving their community in many different ways. Erin Fast from the Ashland Health Center and Marie Smith of the Ashland Community Foundation. The Foundation is dedicated to Ashland and its betterment. Please don’t hesitate to contact a member to see how we can help make that possible.
As the ACF, OUR PURPOSE is to improve the quality of life in the Ashland area, through, but not limited to the promotion, encouragement and support of education; strengthening the health and wellbeing of families and individuals; beautification and preservation of nature; the preservation of history; and the promotion of recreational and cultural programs and activities.

Rainbow Connection
The Ashland Community Foundation is proud to present this check to the Rainbow Connection to assist the preschool in educating the youth of our community and the surrounding area. The service they provide is vital to our community.
The Foundation is excited to help our local organizations improve the quality of life in our community.
Appearing in the picture is Joe Fast of Spotts Lumber and with the Ashland Community Foundation and Jenny Betschart, who is the President of the Rainbow Connection, along with Jenny Betchart.
Ashland Fitness Center
The Mission of the non-profit Ashland Fitness Center, Inc is to provide quality education and facilities to enable Ashland area residents to take personal responsibility for their health. Pursuing that mission involved meeting with community members and leaders and sharing our vision and enlisting their support. The Ashland Community Foundation supported our project very early in the fundraising stage with a commitment of $5,000.00 toward equipment. The Foundation helped move the project through the stages of planning and building . A second Ashland Community Foundation grant near the end of the building phase enabled us to complete a quality facility for the use of our community. With the fitness center open and operating since February, 2012,we have seen our membership exceed twice our original membership goal. Ashland Fitness Center, Inc. is achieving its mission because Ashland are using the facility, working out, getting stronger and fitter, and taking responsibility for their own health while encouraging their friends, co-workers, neighbors and family members to join them on the journey to health and wellness. The Board of Ashland Fitness Center, Inc. thanks the Ashland Community Foundation for their financial support of the fitness center and for helping make Ashland a great place to call home.
Vicky Sprengeler
President, Ashland Fitness Center, Inc.